Monday, January 19, 2009

I may still be in my pj's when you get home.....

But I promised I've actually done something today.

I'm finding that the life of a SAHM isn't the most glamorous job in the world. Meaning, I don't really get into dressing up to go to Kent's.

Most days Travis comes home from work to find me just the way he left me, in my pajamas. Same with the kids too. It's my way of cutting back on laundry. If we aren't leaving the house, what's the point in getting an outfit dirty.

So just to justify myself for not attending to my personal appearance I would like to share with you the accomplishments I did today,

a- woke up before 9 am
b- had a cake in the oven at 9 am
3- made pancakes for breakfast
4- had a very important business call
k- took my cake to a funeral, the kids were still in pjs at the time
e- surfed the net (blog stalked) while my kid took a 3 hour nap
9-walked on the treadmill
r- played Mario Kart with Tray -TWICE
17-did 2 loads of laundry and even thought about putting the clean clothes away
w-came out of my dark state of mind and genuinely laughed today
v- watched Kinlee take a bath and try to swim
6- taught Kinlee how to do hip-hip-hooray
68- acted out a scene from Spongebob with Tray's Spongebob fruit snacks
y-went to work (I did change out of my pjs for that)
r-spent some quality time with my honey watching tv.

Hopefully tomorrow will prove just as productive. Maybe I'll even take a shower.

*Sidenote* I'm getting tired of my blogging slump. I'm trying to use my creative writing gift again, so done are the few and far between posts of only the fun family outings or events, you will get a taste of Kami's Crazies. Just 100% pure Kami being crazy here. With a few sprinklings of the cuties!


Heidi Barson said...

Jo, you make me laugh! I just love you!

Jaime said...

Now you see that you are a fabulous mother that makes the rest of us look bad. Maybe not everyday but you definitely have more shining moments than not. PS I had to make potatoes and I remembered @ 9 with barely enough time to get them made.

Dani, Tanis, Rowdy and Rhett Marble said...

Wow! You're day sounds like mine! Except today we're all sick. But most days Dani finds me just how he left me. Except for I hang out in my garments. Bad I know, but that gives me even less laundry to do than you! LOL You have an amazing family and an amazing life. We can get lots done in our comfy's!

Dave and Jayme Richards said...

I loved this post! Being a SAHM is NOT glamorous at all!!!! Many times when you came to drop off Tray or pick him up, or just come visit, I was still in my pj's, hair a mess, & a scary scary face!!! ha ha. You're amazing! Feel good that you spend time with your kids. That is one thing that I am trying to do a lot more of. I feel like I neglect them so bad. My famous words to lyvie are..."not right now" or "i don't have time". SO GOOD FOR YOU! You're an amazing mommy. And I am so glad that we're friends! One of my BESTIES!!! =) We need to get together soon. miss the whole family! Love you friend!

The Mashy Family said...

Sounds like you had a very full day. I would not get out of my PJ's if I didn't have to everyday. And the laundry theory is wonderful. YOu are a great mom to sit and do the things you do with your kids!

joni&dallassill said...

You are so funny! I love it!! I do the same thing some days. Dallas comes home and looks at me like "what the heck have you been doing all day??" The way I see it is "it's not that I was too lazy to get dressed, it's that I have been so busy doing other things that I didn't even have time to get dressed."

The Morris Family said...

Well sounds great to me. Sometimes I have to hurry and get dressed before my kids get home from school. I am actually in my p.j.s blog stalking right now!

: said...

Oh Kami...I'm so glad other people hang out in their pjs. I'm either in scrubs or pj's to cut down laundry and the funny thing is, is the laundry still gets neglected. It's a mystery. You need to talk Mrs. Barson into getting a blog and ditching Myspace.

Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...