Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 3 - 1 Pound

Not a great week. I'm only 1 pound off track of 3 pounds a week but it's still hard to have such a small number lost. It was really hard to get back on track since the hospital. It took me until Wednesday to really be motivated to really put some heart into my workouts.
Although I didn't really cheat on my diet by eating foods not on the list, I ate a little more than what my serving should have been. No thanks to my new favorite food, honey Greek yogurt. I honestly bought 2 24oz containers on Thursday and they were gone Saturday. And Travis only had 1 cup, the rest was all me!!!
I'm determined to get back on track this week and stay there!!!!
My workouts started out blah this week and ended great! I can feel my stamina increasing as well as my strength. I got sore for the first time on Saturday when I did level 3 of Jillian. I decided to save that one for next month to do again. I about died and I can still feel it today. I've become obsessed with ab workouts! I've been doing them almost every night. Most likely because it's the lowest impact thing I do!!!

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Out of Pocket

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