For the men that might read my blog...(I think Eric may be the only one) so sorry about the topic, but I need to get it off my "chest"!
Awhile ago, some ladies I was chatting with brought up the subject of plastic surgery. (Well I'm sure I was the one to bring it up because it's always on my mind.) But the question arose of being thankful for our bodies. (Or something close to that.) We should honor the bodies God blessed us with.
Having kids takes a toll on your body. When you finally start getting your pre-baby body back, you may notice a few things that are out of place, or distorted. For me, it's my chest.
When I am done having children I really want to get my chest "re-inflated". I look at the above statement like this, the body I have now, is not the body I was sent to earth with. When my girls are closer to my belly button, than to my neck, I know that's not how a woman's body is supposed to look.
Now I will let you in on the secret that I have thought of other surgeries also. Mostly ones involving cutting out my stretchmarks, and fixing my stretched out stomach muscles, but I doubt that one will ever happen. I'll just stick to exercise for that, but I would never consider a face lift, or lip injections, or butt implants, or other things I've seen on Dr. 90210. So I don't feel that I'm too vain, or too degrading toward the female body.
Let me know what your thoughts are on body enhancements. I'd love to know I'm not the only one that thinks about these things.
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I completely agree. I think wanting to look nice isn't being vain. If we are supposed to appreciate the body we were sent here with unchanged, then why put on makeup or buy cute clothes? Might as well join in with Warren Jeffs and the gang. I plan on getting the girls redone after I have kids too. If it helps keep your self esteem up and keeps your hubby entertained then why not? It's a win/win
i usually don't post but i had to agree with you. i've always told coby that when i'm done with kids my stomachs getting flat again(i don't anything else gets rid of that pudge) and my boobs will get lifted up and put back they way they should be. i don't think there's anything wrong with that since it's really not a vain thing but a way to fell like you did before kids.
I completly agree!!! There is no dought in my mind that I will get something done once I am done having kids. You need to do whats going to make you feel better about yourself.
I'd never do it because we are always tight for $ and it can be spent better somewhere else, but I hear ya! I think it's great that that is a priority to you. It means a lot what you think and feel about yourself, and I don't think you're vain at all Kami Jo, just wanting to you look your best, but honestly I think you ALWAYS look amazing!
Well, I completely agree. I was never able to nurse Kylie. After the horrible experience I had trying to nurse her, I didn't even want to try it with Kody so mine are pretty much in the same spot. That's not hard to imagine considering mine aren't big enough to go any where anyways. hahaha
However, I would love to get rid of the stretch marks and that layer of flab that has taken up residence on my stomach. It would make me feel so much better if that was gone.
Unfortunately, I was a lab assistant for Weber State's Health Sciences Dept. I have seen all the plastic surgeries in detail and I don't think I could ever do it. It is so gross and looks so painful.
I sooo agree! One day I will have my chest done! I've never had anything to begin with, but after having a child they actually got smaller (if that was even possible)! Thankfully my mother-in-law works for a plastic surgeon (a great one!) and someday when I'm done having kids I will have some work done. Love your honesty Kami!
I think it helps to make you feel more like yourself after having kids and it helps your self esteem. Should we be forced to have low self esteems about our bodies, just because everyone says "Oh your body is supposed to look different after having kids". Well we all know that our bodies look different after kids, but, since we have sacrificed our bodies for our beautiful children we should be allowed to give attention back to our bodies. I think surgeries like a tummy tuck and modest implants are fine to allow yourself to feel more womanly again are fine. However, I think the extravagant and extra fluff stuff goes beyond necessity.
I'd have everything done. Butt implants, lips, the works. It wouldn't be hard. They could just take the back fat and inject it where it should be.
Oh!! by the way this is your cousin Ginger
Brestoration- clever stuff out of you Kami Jo.
I remember telling Chrissi once a LONG time ago that I would never get breast implants because God made someone that was going to love me exactly the way I was made and I didn't want to change that. Fast forward 10 years... Totally different thoughts on the boob jobs now. I don't have any kids yet, but I DO know what they do to your body. I will definitely be getting some stuff fixed later on down the road. I have also seen MANY naked old ladies at work and I'd prefer to not look like they do. However, I also spent a lot of time with a bunch of girls in bikinis with enormouse boobs and I will NOT be going that extreme. Ever.
I don't think there's anything wrong with restoring your body to the way it was when you felt the best about it. As long as you're not obsessive and crazy about plastic surgery, I think it's fine. It's your body, do what you want with it.
Maybe we can all go together in 10 years or so and get a good group rate.
I have really questioned it too, but when I think about it there is always alittle doubt in my mind. I never do anything where there is room to question if it is right or wrong. If it feels good for you do it!!! I would definately wait until you are done having kids though!
I totally agree, the second I'm done having kids, I'm getting a nice set of boobs, and a tummy tuck! I will not live out the majority of my life feeling like this about my body!
I say GO FOR IT! I actually had mine done 3 years ago. My problem was not Saggy boobs, but the opposite. I had none and I hated it!I was going to wait until I was done having kids but I didn't want to wait any longer so I did it. I didn't go too big- a small "C". I was worried that having another baby would ruin them but it didn't. I do not breast-feed so that is probably why. I think it was well worth it. The fake ones will sag over time just like the real ones do so I'm sure in 10 or 15 years I'll need a little lift, and I'll be glad to do it! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to improve your body. You're stuck with it for the rest of your life so you may as well make the most of it!
Kami, I love you! You make me bust a gut everytime I check your blog. Well here's my honesty. I too had mine done 3 and a half years ago and let me tell you it was money well spent and JoDee would tell you the same. Everyone told me to wait til I Was done having kids including my mom but at the time i didn't know when I wanted kids and I thought,"Why not be happy with myself now, why wait?" I was ALWAYS very self concious in that area. After the surgery, the problem was fixed! But boy oh boy it was painful:(Worth it but painful! I have had a baby and and nursed her for 14 months and am actually happier with them now, they are more natural:) I didn't go very big either, a small C. BUT...when I was prego and nursing they were big ol monstrosities! It was kinda fun for a little while.haha But anyway, If it will make you feel better girl, Rock it! When you don't feel good about yourself it effects everything! You are darling! (Dr. Ralston is amazing!)
I think every MOMMY deserves to make her self look and feel good. and If it involves boobs and a flat tummy then so be it! I have full intentions of getting work done when we are done having kids! :)
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