Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gingerbread House

This s our first year making a gingerbread house. I think we did pretty good thanks to Travis's awesome piping skills (and OCD perfection).

Dylan just got to hang out on the counter and watch all the craziness.

I didn't do much on the house because I was baking cakes for my brother's homecoming dinner that was the next day.

Travis is so excited for the frosting to dry so he can put candy on.

Fixing the wall that kept falling down.

Yahoo! It's ready for candy!

Kinlee was a great decorator.

Those dang candy balls spilled on my floor twice and I'm still finding them all over.
This will definitely be something we do every year. Tray kept saying how awesome it was and how it was the best idea ever.

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Out of Pocket

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