Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Skip right to 10

I guess I missed Dylan's 9 month mark. I was waiting til after he went to the doctor to post all his fun stats and then I just got so busy that here it is a month later and still no post.

9 month stats
Weight - 22 lbs 64%
Height - 29 in 65%
Head - 48 cm 97%

I'm amazed that he isn't higher in the weight and height. He always seems so big to me!

A few things about Dylan
Dylan is like a magnet to the dog food. Whenever he spies the dish on the floor he makes a beeline right for it as fast as he can just to splash in the water and try to shove some food in his mouth.
He has 8 teeth now.
He eats mostly table food now and loves it.
He said his first word on August 23rd. He said mama followed shortly by dada.
He can crawl so fast. And an update, he took his first steps on September 2nd. He loves to walk along the walls and almost prefers that to crawling anymore.
loves to walk along furniture and walls.
He loves his blanket (swaddling blanket - aden and anais) and I'm so glad that I 4 of them to rotate through.
He is just my busy body. He loves to be where ever the other kids are and loves to use his voice. I love to lay in bed in the mornings to listen to him babble to himself.
He is such a mellow baby. People always comment on how good he is. He really only cries when he is hungry or tired. Never just to whine.
He is so fun and I still love to kiss on him all day long.

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Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...