Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am bored

I'm bored and I should go to bed but I am somehow glued to my computer screen. I have nothing really exciting to post but felt that my blog needed an update. I've been seeing the 7 things about me posts and although I haven't been "tagged" I thought I would share anyways.

1. I am addicted to blogspot. I spend hours just looking at other people's blogs. I start on my page and click on one of my favorites and then go from there. I mostly read about people that I know, but I'm sure they don't know me. I also read about people I don't know, those one's don't interest me as much though. But it's just so exciting to read about everyone's families and what they are doing.

2. I use a shower cap. I feel like I'm from the sixties or something, but I hate washing my hair. (This may be gross to you) I only wash my hair twice a week. And the past year I have been leaning towards showers instead of baths. So when we went on vacation and there was a shower cap in our room I took it home and used it until the elastic broke. I then went and purchased my own quality cap. I love it! I love not waiting for the water to fill up... and I love not having to blow dry my hair and have a bad hair day everyday!!

3. I am addicted to candy. I know a lot of people are but my obsession goes as far as to hide it from Travis so I can have it all to myself. In fact I just finished savoring a HUGE (1/2 pound) bar of chocolate that I hid in the freezer and enjoyed over the course of 2 weeks. I know it sounds petty to hide it from Travis but it's more fun to eat it that way because it feels like it's forbidden! I have stashes all over the house and in the car.

4. I have to have the bed made! Even if we are about to go to sleep and the bed didn't get made that day.. I will make it. I hate when the covers are all tangled and I can't find the edge of the sheets. It just makes me so frustrated. I've even woke up in the middle of the night to fix the sheets because I couldn't sleep.

5. Christmas is not my favorite holiday. Don't get me wrong it's at the top.. but I don't know if it's because of my birthday being so close to Christmas or what.. but Halloween tops my list. I love being able to dress up and be something else for a day. Don't worry I still listen to Christmas music as soon as it's on the radio.

6. I am a hoarder. I just watched Oprah today on hoarding and I thought to myself.. I could totally see myself in that situation. I try to have a clean out day twice a year and being pregnant helps alot when I am in the nesting mode. But I have saved things like class notes from 8th grade to 12th grade, magazines for years, every note that a friend has written me, young women's handouts, stupid things that I thought I would like to look back at, but haven't once. I did purge most of them, but it takes me hours to do a clean out because I have to read every single piece of paper that I pick up.

7. I hate talking on the phone. I remember being in elementary school and I wanted to call my bestfriend and I just couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone to call her. I was terrified. I am still that way. It takes a lot for me to call people. If someone leaves a message and wants me to call them back.... unless I am totally comfortable with that person.... I won't call them back. I don't know why this is. Even at work, my boss will ask me to call someone about something and I wait until the very last second to do it because I just have this huge anxiety about it. The funny thing about it is that I was a telemarketer. Go figure.

Well I hope you enjoyed my 7 things. I will go ahead and tag some people. Jayme, Megan, Mandi Wight, & Kalli-

Have a great day!!! (Or night)

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Out of Pocket

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