What is his name? Travis
How long have you been together? We started dating April 2002 and have been married since 2004
How long did you date? 2 years - I wanted it to be shorter but I had to wait until Travis was ready to be married.
How old is he? He will be 26 in April
Who eats more? Travis, only because he doesn't like to waste food.
Who said I love you first? I said it out loud first. But he wrote it to me in a note!
Who is taller? He is, I am shrinking!!!!
Who sings better? I do, he makes me laugh during sacrament when he sings!
Who is smarter? I may have gotten better grades in school, but I think that's because he didn't really try because he really is a smart guy.
Who does the laundry? We both do the laundry. But now that I am home I do it more often.
Who does the dishes? I would have to say Travis does the majority of the dishwasher loading, but if they need to be hand washed I do it.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, I have to sleep closest to the door so I can get up with the kids.
Who pays the bills? I do, with his money. I also HATE being in charge of the money!
Who mows the lawn? I have never even touched our lawnmower!!! But how do you mow the lawn while watching your kid? You just don't!
Who cooks dinner? When something gets cooked it's usually by me, (If you call defrosting frozen food cooking) but once in a while Trav will make something. He always makes breakfast buritos, and does the grill though.
Who drives when you are together? Travis is behind the wheel, but I am the worst side seat driver!!! And we always get in an argument about it because he will miss a turn and then after we pass it, I will say something and then he gets mad that I didn't say something sooner, but if I do say something, "you need to turn here" he gives me the ol' "thanks side seat, wanna drive?" So no matter what I get in trouble.
Who is more stubborn? Me for sure!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me I guess.
Who kissed who first? I don't really remember but I think I kissed him because it was his birthday.
Who asked who out? It was more of a mutual agreement that we were dating. We never "formally" asked eachother out. We just didn't date anyone else.
Who proposed? Travis did on a carriage ride around Temple Square!
Who is more sensitive? Oh for sure I am!
Who has more friends? Well I guess I have more friends that I keep in contact with.
Who has more siblings? I do, 5, he has 3
Who wears the pants in the family? We share the pants. ;)
I just want to let my honey know how much I love and appreciate him! I don't know what I would do without him in my life! Love you lots honey!
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