Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby D - 11 Weeks

Last week was D's well check. I was pretty close to guessing his weight.

Weight - 12 lbs 12 oz 69%
Height - 23.5 inches 65%
Head - 42 cm 87%

I still don't think he's as big as Tray was. I'd try to find Tray's stats but I don't have the energy to dig the box out and find them.

We sure love D but he is a very needy baby and I blame myself for that. He loves to be held at all times and usually only by mom. This makes doing household chores very difficult. But if he's really my last baby I don't want to miss out on any snuggle time. And he is my only baby that loves to snuggle. The other kids loved to be held so they were facing out so they could see what was going on, not D. He loves to be curled right up in my chest.
He still eats every 2 hours and sometimes is even less time between than that. He has been sleeping better at night going to bed around 10 and waking up at 4. If only I could get my other kids to go to sleep before midnight I could join in on all those hours of sleep. Instead I'm still up until 1 waiting for Tray to fall asleep. Hopefully now that school is back in session we can get back to our schedule.

D has been smiling for a few weeks now but it's so hard to capture on camera. These were my attempt today.

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Out of Pocket

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