Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More adventures from Tray

I have some more funny stories of Tray that weren't so funny at the time but I laugh now because no harm was done.

I had left the kids downstairs while I went upstairs to do something. I got side tracked (surprise) and I came back downstairs to an empty basement.
I called out Tray's name and heard him in the bathroom. I opened the door and saw the garbage can tipped over with garbage strewn across the floor, Tray standing by the toilet with the lid opened and nursing pads in his hands, and Kinlee with a wet head.
Kinlee had followed Tray in the bathroom, knocked the garbage over. Tray saw something fun to play with (nursing pads) and proceeded to put them in the toilet and squeeze the water out of them onto Kinlee's head.
It made me laugh because Kinlee FOLLOWED Tray in there. I hope that's not any indication of what my future holds with my children. One following the other into mischievous plans.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I laugh because I know exactly how you feel! :) Parker got in the toilet twice the other day... why is it that they have to play in the most disgusting place in the house?!

Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...