Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's summer without the County Fair?

I'm sure millions of blogs are being updated with pictures from the BE County Fair. And why not!?! It's the hippest thing in town! Oh how it's changes since high school. Remember when you'd call your friends and all plan on meeting at the Zipper at a certain time, come all decked out in your new school clothes, and just hang out in a HUGE mosh pit type crowd? Well now I see my friends in line for the train, or the merry-go-round, or other types of kiddie rides. I myself was dressed to the max......clothes covered in baby spew, sweating my butt off, and running after a 2 year old who, even though is on a leash, escaped to ride the trucks again. And is sucks having to buy tickets! Now I understand why we had to roll pennies for our fair money. Boy how times have changed. And I swear that kids from our grade did not dress so WEIRD!!! Since when is it normal to be frightened by someone almost 10 years younger than you? Here are some fabulous pictures of our adventure at the fair.

1 comment:

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I lvoe the pictures!!!! Looks like you all enjoyed the fair!

Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...