Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tray Now and Then

Wow, I guess it's good that I'm pregnant again because you forget how little these things start out. Not that Tray was ever little, but he was about 25 pounds lighter when he came out. It's so fun to see Tray grow. His favorite thing is 'ride' meaning the 4-wheeler. When we go to PaPa's house that's the first thing he does before he even gets in the house. Climb up on the 4-wheeler and waits for someone to take him on a ride. Kabrie had an old mini-wheeler - and at first Tray thought it was cool. But the funny thing is - he won't ride it to save his life. He won't even sit on it. But if you try to ride it - he tries to push you off. Go figure. Maybe next summer he will enjoy his own wheeler. Other things that Tray enjoys is bossing Daisy around. He makes sure that when we go downstairs that she is right behind him, and if she's not he pats his leg and calls for her. He also loves to feed her - mostly play in her bowl. He torments this poor dog until no end too... it's amazing that he hasn't been bit. But I think Daisy just likes the attention. Tray is getting so smart too. We started reading books and he loves to name everything on the page - he's pretty good at getting them right too. He picks out his own drink in the morning and he usually gets the milk out followed by the chocolate syrup. I think he's getting ready to potty train too. Although he usually tells me AFTER he goes - but at least it's a start. He knows what to do with the toilet paper too. That's hilarious. In the mornings he will climb on the closed toilet and sit, then rip some paper and wipe his bum and the climb off and flush the paper. Hilarious!!! Well enough proud parent stories!! Until tomorrow night when I'm extremely bored.

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Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...