Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A change is in the air!!!

After 8 years of employment, Travis finally has the opportunity of leaving Wal-mart distribution to become a member of the Nucor family!!!! We have been diligently praying for this change to come! What a testimony builder this has been for the both of us! When I finally reached the point of staying home full time, we realized that it was going to be harder than we thought living on one income. We knew that something had to change! After months of praying and fasting, attending the temple, and relying on faith, our answer came yesterday! We know there were many people that were also praying for us and want to thank them also! We are so excited to start a new chapter in our lives and what a way to start it!

Baby news.... Being the crazy pregnant woman I am, I braved the huge snow storm Wednesday (the 9th) and traveled to Ogden for my appointment. (I didn't know it was snowing that bad when I left, it wasn't doing anything in Tremonton.) My baby has finally decided it was time to turn to the correct position! She was measuring big, but the Dr. thought he just had a weird angle on her! We didn't pick a date yet because we were waiting to hear about Travis's interview results. I go back on Monday and we will for sure pick a date then. I'm guessing around the end of January or 1st of February. We will see!!!!

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Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...