Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Trayton!!!

I can't believe my baby is 2 today!!! It feels like I was just pregnant with him. (Ok maybe that's because I'm really pregnant) He is growing so fast and he is so smart and funny! I love being able to stay home with him and really enjoy these younger years. Next thing I know, he'll be in highschool and want nothing to do with his mommy! We had his birthday party yesterday with our families! He was spoiled! Here are a few pictures of the joyous occasion!

The birthday boy! He opened all his presents by himself this year!
My favorite toy!!! My new slide! Thanks grandma and grandpa bronson!
Blowing out the candles before the birthday song is over!
Look mom! No hands!

Aunt Kylie pushed his face into his cupcake!

Happy Birthday Trayton! I love you!

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