Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 Months

How did my baby go from this...

To this....

 First time eating rice cereal. He doesn't really like it but seems really interested when we are eating our food so I thought I'd give it a try.
 He was so interested in this lovely chew toy that stayed right where he could reach it. Tray was really excited that Dylan had a tie that matched his.

 Mustache March

 Sadly the thumb sucking hasn't lasted. I don't know what it is about a baby sucking their thumb, but it just melts my heart! Maybe it's the chubby little fist in front of those cute chubby cheeks.

His favorite toy. I love how he has his horse wrapped in his arm and chewing on it.

I just love this boy so much!!! I could honestly just sit and kiss him all day long.
He is my most cuddly baby by far and I love it!!!
He still isn't sleeping through the night. He gets up between 3 and 4 and then again between 7 and 8. Not too bad but I wouldn't mind sleeping all night myself.
I'm still nursing and this is the longest I've ever nursed any of my kids. I'm going to start to wean him before we go on our trip.
He loves to babble and it's so fun to listen to him make noise.
He loves loves loves to jump in his bouncer.
He has a hard time being left home with Dad while I go to work. But he's getting better.
I can't wait to see what the next 7 months brings. We love having Dylan in our family.

1 comment:

The McKee's said...

Your little guy is so cute! Hey I have a few questions for you... I am in charge of my 10 year reunion and I believe you did yours? I am in need of ideas and what you did! Would you be willing to tell me what you did and how it went over? You can email me at or call me at 435-770-8679 if you get a chance and wouldn't mind! Thanks!

Out of Pocket

I knew that having a baby would max out our insurance deductible and the kids have needed their tonsils out for a while so this was the year...