Thursday, April 28, 2011

Out With the Old.... In With the New

(Don't mind the rug burn, it was self inflicted)

Just days after I noticed Dylan's new tooth (he now has 2 bottom teeth; tear, tear) I saw that Tray had a loose tooth! In fact he had 2 of them! What is the deal with my babies growing up?

It took 2 weeks for this tooth to fall out. And it came out while he was eating an apple. He was so excited! Then 2 hours later, he dropped the tooth down the sink because he was playing with it. Good thing Dad got it out.

Tonight I just pulled out his other tooth. It was so loose that he could lay it flat in his mouth.

Let's just hope he doesn't get any more soon. The Tooth fairy is running out of dollars.

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Out of Pocket

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