Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 7 & 8 - 2 Pounds

Holy plateau! I struggled these 2 weeks. I thought that the first week it was because of Travis's birthday dinner. We went to eat at a new place in Logan and I did my best to use portion control and I mainly ate protein but I did splurge a little and eat some things that were not on my diet. Including a yummy frozen yogurt treat after at Twizzleberry!!! Oh I can't wait to go back!

I've cut most of the fruit out of my diet now, only having some in my smoothies for breakfast. I've been eating so much spinach I'm surprised I haven't turned green yet!

I also decided with week 9 to not weigh myself until Friday. I have become obsessed with the scale and I think it was putting too much pressure on myself to drop weight.

I've also upped my exercising. I'm trying to run outside 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes and I'm trying to get in 2 workouts a day. It's hard though being a busy mom to get this done. Luckily Travis had Easter weekend off work and I spent at least 2 hours a day the whole weekend working out, not to mention all the gravel I shoveled for the yard on Friday.

Let's hope the last 2 weeks can get some bigger numbers. Only 4 pounds until I reach 25 lost!

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